AI Prompts of the Week

My favourite AI prompts of the week

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AI Prompts of the week


Folajimi here 👋 , welcoming you to another thrilling edition of AI Prompts of the Week.

As the EU deliberates the fate of ChatGPT and LLMs (fingers crossed for no Italy-style ban), let's savor ChatGPT's marvels while we still can!

No worries though, I’m here to assist you in doing just that. Let's dive in! 🤿

#1 🤖 - ChatGPT self-potrait 🖼️ 

In an AI (ChatGPT) to AI (Midjourney) collaboration, ChatGPT describes itself then someone plugged this description into Midjourney (an AI image generator).

Fascinating that Midjourney AI draws a female from the description (Beyoncé did tell us who runs the world though 💅 )

#2 🤖 - There’s hope for us 😅 

I think we might be safe in our jobs for a couple more years 😅 

#3 🤖 - ChatGPT the artist 🎨 

Another AI to AI collaboration, ChatGPT comes up with the prompts to use in another AI image generator.

#4 🤖 - Snapchat AI fumbling 🤔 

Very creepy from Snapchats AI bot, what else does it know about you?

#5 🤖 - Jailbroken ChatGPT 🔓️ 

There’s a whole community of people who jailbreak ChatGPT, reminds me of the early iPhone days when jailbreaking was all the rage!

PS: What was your favourite prompt?

PPS: I want to send a separate email covering AI images of the week, would this interest you? Hit reply and let me know please

Chief Librarian at Promptlib